Got my new laptop!

Well, finally got my new Dell Studio 15 Laptop, thinking of just having t his and no desktop machine at all, not sure yet what to do, see how i like this first.


So far so good tho!


Ohh and the Hawks won the Grand Final, YAAAYYYYY! I am glad they did it, was a good match.

Published in: on September 27, 2008 at 9:41 pm  Leave a Comment  

Poor Jackie had to have an operation!

Hi all!

As some of you know, my dog Jack went in for an operation on a lump on his leg today,

He is home again after a sucessful opp but they had to send the lump away for testing, so fingers crossed!

The blue bandage is where he had a drip and the red one on his back leg is where the lump was,

We gave him a treat of his fave fritz (devon to non SA people!) and he is happily sleeping on the lounge now,

Published in: on September 4, 2008 at 3:32 pm  Leave a Comment  

I’ve got worms!!

Check these beauties out from my veggie garden!

The soil must be pretty good now.

mmmmmm lovely worms!

mmmmmm lovely worms!

Published in: on September 1, 2008 at 5:49 pm  Leave a Comment  

Veggie Garden Goings on!

OK here is a veggie garden update!

I harvested 3 Cos lettuces and a Cauliflower and some more Celery today, not too bad!

The garlic is growing nicely and the radishes give us a few bits and pieces each week. The carrots are slow but still growing!

I have tomatoes on the plants nad my first pea flower! so peas might be on their way! hehehe

I also cleared the bed of weeds and stuff to get it ready for the summer crop of tomatoes.  and STILL trying to keep the damm birds out!!!

Published in: on September 1, 2008 at 3:26 pm  Leave a Comment